Book Club

Book club was a mod 3 group project, that won Turing’s Demo Comp for our team!

It is a web app where users can:

  • search for books
  • create a club
  • invite other users
  • start discussions within the club about a specific book

Book Club won Turing’s Demo Comp, even when competing from a relatively weak position of being “only” in mod 3, competing against mod 4 projects.

Focus Areas

  • Build a separate frontend and backend
  • agile project workflow
  • implement authentication via OAuth


2 weeks


  • Heroku
  • Google OAuth2
  • Google Books API
  • NYTimes Books API
  • Ruby/Rails
  • PostgreSQL

Video demo for Turing Demo Comp


Book Club Home Page

Book Club Login/Registration Page using Google OAuth2

User Dashboard

Book Show Page (City of Ember)

Create a new club for City of Ember

Newly created club page